Fundación Pública Galega Centro Tecnolóxico de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA) is the centre of computing, high performance communications systems, and advanced services of the Galician Scientific Community, the University academic system, and the National Scientific Research Council (CSIC).
CESGA Foundation was born of the commitment of the Regional Government of Galicia to promote common services of support to the tasks of research and, on the other hand, of the interest of the National Scientific Research Council to promote a work environment in the area of high performance computing, communications, and advanced services in the Information and Knowledge Society.
Mission: Foundation CESGA has the mission to contribute to the advancement of Science and Technical Knowledge, by means of research and application of high performance computing and communications, as well as other information technologies resources, in collaboration with other institutions, for the profit of society.
CESGA is recognised by the Ministry of Science and Innovation as a Singular Scientific Technological Installation (ICTS).
Services offered
- Computing:
See https://cesga.es/en/infraestructuras/computacion
- Cloud:
See https://www.cesga.es/es/infraestructuras/computacion/Infraestructura-cloud
- BigData:
See https://cesga.es/en/infraestructuras/computacion/InfraBigDataEn
- Storage:
See https://cesga.es/en/infraestructuras/almacenamiento
Support contact
User support is handled through: