The inauguration of the new INCD operational center at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) in Vila Real took place on November 7th.
The inauguration was part of the annual Meeting of the National Network for Advanced Computing (RNCA).
The new operational center in Vila Real significantly increases the processing and storage resources made available by INCD to the scientific community through its nationwide infrastructure. INCD’s computing and data infrastructure has operational centers in Lisbon, Coimbra and now also in Vila Real with the support of UTAD and FCT. The inauguration of the operational center was attended by representatives from UTAD, FCT and INCD, and was followed by a visit to the UTAD datacenter where the equipment is housed.

With a capacity of about 5000 CPU cores and 4 Petabytes of storage, this operational center will provide high performance computing, high throughput computing and cloud computing services, complemented by data storage systems and services. The computing nodes are equipped with AMD Epyc processors with 512 Gigabytes or 1 Terabyte of RAM interconnected by a low latency communication network with a bandwidth of 200 Gigabits per second.
Access to the resources of this new INCD center will be made available to the scientific community within the scope of the RNCA, namely through the FCT Calls for Advanced Computing Projects (CPCA). Applications for the 4th CPCA, which will include the new INCD resources, are open in the modalities of experimental access (A0), development access (A1) and regular access (A2).